おしゃべりゴードン&おしゃべりエドワード&ボコ Talking Gordon,Edward,Boco Thomas & Friends Toys

2017-10-28 1,384

Today, it is the introduction of chat Gordon and chat Edward. Thomas the Tank Engine is the Plaof toys. Since Boko also did not have the Pla, it was purchased.\r
I compared the voice of the new chat Gordon and older chat Gordon. I felt so different a little voice.\r
This educational toy is a product that has been released in Japan. So, I will speak the words, I speak Japanese. This is Gordon and Edward speaking Japanese. Thomas the Tank Engine toys is fun. Thud is Pla . Boko does not talk.\r
See you.\r
妖怪ウォッチ入浴剤×15&きかんしゃトーマスプラレールおもちゃ BathBall×Thomas & Friends Toys \r
すごい!びっくら?たまご×20 アンパンマン・ピカチュウ・アナと雪の女王・ハピネスチャンプリキュア Bath Ball Anpanman \r
トイストーリー3入浴剤×24個☆きかんしゃトーマス,パーシー,ジェームス,Toy Story 3 bath salts \r
アンパンマンのびっくら?たまご×15個&きかんしゃトーマス・パーシー・デニス Anpanman Bath Ball & Thomas Percy \r
Toy video, Thomas the Tank Engine, Tomica, Bikku-ra? Eggs, bath salts, Anpanman, Chuggington, Doraemon, Rider drive, educational toys, such as Tomy.\r